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Accompanying and translation service

Immigrant women in their everyday life are confronted with various kinds of discrimination (discrimination in employment, discrimination in house-hunting, discrimination in welfare institutions). Employees often treat immigrant women as second class customers, they do not inform them about their rights and they discriminate against in discretionary decisions. Therefore accompanying women is an essential part of our work. In company they feel empowered and we have often made the experience that applications that had already been denied were now granted. Thus accompanying can reduce discrimination in authorities. For women in crises this can have a great effect. A further side-effect of accom- panying can be the improvment of the women's orientation capacity and of their ability to manage their everyday life.


Abused immigrant women live in specific and unique circumstances which are characterized by limited German language skills, residence permit problems, unfamiliarity with the new culture and lack of social support. Consequently, they need more intensive and specific advice and support. Although our staff is multi- cultural, we frequently have to ask interpreters for help. Our institution cooperates with a number of qualified interpreters; our list of partners for translation work is continually dated up.



Fachberatungs- und Interventionsstelle: (030) 80 19 59 80   •   Frauenhaus: (030) 80 10 80 50  •   Datenschutz